Tuesday, July 8, 2014


It has been months since I last wrote here. My thoughts had stopped I suppose, but no they didn't; they don't - these thoughts flutter in my mind "like a flock of persistent moths". However, these thoughts do not make sense most of the time. May be my mind is quite distrubed internally or unconsciously, something that I am yet to pin point. But, I have to put it out somewhere. It is important, I believe, to vomit such things out somewhere. Perhaps, it will help me clear the clutter in my mind - the clutter of repetitive thoughts that do not make any sense. Meaninglessness - that's what I am always worried about. Living a life without meaning, doing 'ibadah without meaning, worshipping, believing, helping, even talking without meaning, without any weight - such is my obsession, should I say, with having meaning to what I do or what I think or what I am, that I didn't want to write anything on any of my blogs that didn't have any weight or meaning to it.

Chalo acha hai! I have resumed my writing. By the time, I am writing this line now, I already feel much relieved to have put it down in words and also to have resumed my blogging.

Allah Hafiz!