Saturday, October 23, 2010

Movie Pass and The Facebook

October 23, 2010

Yes it is. I’ve got my unlimited movie pass here. Well, I find it a good deal to pay 13.5 a month and watch unlimited movies. Also there is this autumn season movies coming up. Many of them seem to be just too good to ignore. I have already watched 2 movies in 3 days after I made the pass the day before yesterday. So I think it won’t be a problem for me and that it won’t be a waste of money.

And today, I saw the movie The Social Network. Awesome movie it is. A Harvard graduate coming up with this online community that has sort of changed the internet world. Not just the internet world, but it changed the way we communicate with each other. Facebook fits into the mindscape of a person. That’s why people find it so easy to get along with it. Many have become addicted to it! While watching the movie I was wondering what I was doing in those months when Mark Zuckerberg was building this phenomenon. Oh yeah! I had just started my undergrads. I felt so insignificant at that moment. I was like, “what am I doing here, when such persons are achieving glory and making history?”

The thought is still there. Anyway, it was a nice movie all in all. I had a great time watching it. After I came back home, and when I opened the facebook website, the first thing I searched for was to find the name of founder and co-founder on its website, ha-ha!  I thought of writing something about the movie, but I found it kinda weird to write as my status about the movie that was about the Facebook! So I just wrote the name of it. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who moved my cheese?

October 13, 2010

Who moved my cheese?
It was long ago when I first read that book. I wondered at that time was it even worth reading. I thought probably it was for others but not for me. I didn't even have an idea what it was talking about. However, I think I know now.

I realized the day I entered the new campus on the first day of the second semester that things are not the same anymore. Not just things, I realized even people seem no longer the same. Worse, even friends seem to have changed! I hope it's not true but that's what it appears to me. I really wish it's not true!

When I came back all excited from Hyderabad, I rushed to the nearby mosque at the time of prayer. After 3 months of hearing the same Qira'at (recitation of the Qur'an) at my home town mosque, which was not so attractive, I was desperate to listen to the melody that I used to listen to here before summers. Yet, when I entered the mosque, things changed there too! It looked as if the committee of the mosque has changed or something has happened that I do not see the previous Imaam anymore in the mosque. Instead, there was a new Imaam. He was simply that typical Imaam that I so do not like. Even his Qira'at was simply rhetoric. And in the Friday sermon, only God knows what he was speaking. It was all nonsense to me!

Sigh! I just feel so out of place here. Or am I over reacting??
Things change! It's normal, but it's so unacceptable to me. I don't know what to do to gain back my sanity.
May be I should just accept everything or simply ignore everything!
God! Please help!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


10th October 2010

Oh God!
Too much of work is it?
or am I just getting busy doing nothing?
I forgot to write my journal. Hmmm, well at least I remembered it now.

There is not too much going on here in Cardiff right now, but there is studies related work I have to do.
The temperatures keep fluctuating everyday. It was raining yesterday, it's sunny today but windy. Autumn has started to set in now. Leaves are turning golden and yellow.

Anyway, I'm still trying to settle down here. I don't know why I feel so out-of-place here after coming from Hyderabad. Hopefully, I'll again find something that will keep me grounded here and start feeling comfortable again.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Semester 2: First week

September 30, 2010

It’s after 6 days that I’m writing again. The past week (or rather the continuing one) has been not as I wished it to be, honestly. The classes resumed from Monday as per the schedule but I felt as is something was missing. I didn’t or I couldn’t feel that spark that makes me concentrate in the class and on the lecture. I don’t know why it was like that. One of friend said that I looked worried. Hmmm. I really don’t know whether I was. But yes I was disturbed. May be it was because Veda was leaving or I was probably not ready for the studies yet or probably the summer vacation was too long and the holiday feeling didn’t leave me. Consequently I wasn’t feeling right. I’ve to prepare myself now for the coming week!

And yes, Veda has left Cardiff for good. It was yesterday when we all bid her goodbye. It was painful! I really miss her. It was only few days before the summer vacations that we got so close, but they were somehow enough to leave a mark on my memory. It would take a long to get the feeling off. Anyhow, I can’t forget her. Actually I don’t want to! I pray for her and wish her all the best for whatever she does in her life ahead. J

Today, I met Halleh. My nice, beautiful friend, Halleh, is an Iranian, doing her MA (film) from University of Wales, Newport. This one girl really inspires to me go ahead and achieve my goals. I met after all the days of summer vacation, visited her place (such a nice home she’s got) and went to a movie (Eat Pray love) with her. It was good to see her. Hope to meet her again! J